Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Game Preview 5: Project Throughold

Here is Throughold in its current state. More updates will be here by tommorow.

Technical details:

Don't worry, I have a lot ready to go but I haven't tested it much so I'll show you tommorow. :)

Monday, July 29, 2024

MULTI-ANNOUNCE #2: Windows 10's 9th Anniversary + Project Throughold

 The original Multi-Announce (#1 over on the old Plushs blog)

Windows 10's 9th Anniversary

Happy birthday, Windows 10!

(The following data is exclusive to Canada) Currently, Windows 10 stands at 63.51% marketshare. Windows 11 stands at 33.71% marketshare and Windows 8.1 stands at 0.45%.

The graph above comes from July 2024 on statcounter and I rounded down everything but G Suite didn't comply. I rounded down Windows 8.1 to 0.4%, Windows 10 to 63.5% and Windows 11 to 33.7%. And now I will show you Windows 8.1 vs. Windows 10 in July 2015 (link here):

It's safe to say that Windows 10 had a rocky start at first. The main problem seems to be its privacy, or rather lack thereof. Even now, disabling each and every single tracking setting in Windows 10 Pro likely isn't enough. You'd need Windows 10 Enterprise to have Microtransactionsoft not peeking at your every move. And it's only becoming worse, sadly, which is why 2025 may be The Year of Linux.

But now that 9 years have passed, Windows 10 is becoming better and better. Look at the marketshare today and, yeah.

Just to show you, above this text is Windows 7-11 (including 10!) vs. OSX 10.5 and macOS 12-14 combined. This just goes to show that, even though Windows eats up a TINY bit more than Apple, Windows still wins, just by a "short shot".

Anyway, I've been using Windows 10 since March of 2020 after my Apple reign. I don't have any MacBooks left over or anything like that but I'm not gonna bother searching. Also, before you ask, no, I do NOT know what version of macOS/OSX I was using. Anyway, I've been using Windows 10 for approximately 4 years, 4 months and 4 weeks or roughly 1600 days of my life. Oh, and by the way, I started using Windows when I had first heard of Minecraft. I went to the website and tried buying the game but was extremely confused. My brother already had a copy of the game and lended to me his Mojang account so I could use it. Problem is, he would use it too, which would lead to my skin randomly changing every once in a while. When I got older, I bought the game myself and that's also when I used a Microsoft Account seeing as it was ~2022-2023 by then. The bygone era of Mojang Studios accounts was long gone by then.

So that's my story with Windows. Now, I am *somewhat* in the process of moving over to Ubuntu 24.04 LTS on my Dell G3 15 which we'll refer to as 3-15. I've been facing massive technical issues but I keep trying anyway.

Project Throughold

Project Throughold is a parody of Windows 10 in Scratch. It's stupid, but fun. The name "Throughold" is a parody of Windows 10's codename, "Threshold", named after a planet in Halo, by the way. The video shows a WIP preview of what's to come.

For those who are looking for technical details:

See you then. Happy birthday, Windows 10. Since 2015.

Friday, July 26, 2024

Bean Simulator Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis Edition: Out now on itch.io!


Finally. After forever, it's here. Ladies and gentlemen, may I present to you: Bean Simulator. Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis Edition. If that name sounds long to you, well, that's because it is. Anyway, the trailer says it all.

Thirsty for the game? Here's the widget:

Or if that doesn't work, just click here.

Friday, July 19, 2024



 What have you done. This is why MIT App Inventor was crashing for me. Technically it's your fault for hogging up all the storage space, but honestly I'm in that kind of trouble too.

In the words of Livakivi:

"And what the [Hi!] is this [Come on.]? And why do I have to make a Microsoft account just to install an operating system? And why do I have to log in to clear my local browsing history on Edge? And now you're telling me I can't even play Minecraft without a Microsoft account? Absolutely disgusting. Unbelievable, actually."

I figured out that from my home to a Belle Province location, ~4% of screens have a blue screen on them. Whether that'd be the Recovery screen:

Or just a blue screen that I didn't see very well.

That's the end of my statement. Verdict: Crowdstrike is added to my list of enemies.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

An update to the great news

 I just posted a demo of the remaster to my Scratch profile. Go there to experience the demo!

Visit my Scratch!

Amazing news!

Today, I would like to give you great news.


The original!

I know it's been over a month since I've posted. Truth is, I have a VERY busy life. I don't usually have time to blog, sadly. But I'll do it whenever I have news.

There it is.

The original BEAN SIMULATOR.

Free for you all to copy it.

Also, I'm working on a remastered version that's accessible to a wider audience so you can all play it without an EV3.

See you when it's ready to go.


 ...as they say. I just came back from watching Beetlejuice Beetlejuice. It's the all-new Bee... oh shoot. Lucky I didn't say it thr...