Name: Blimps
Sequel of: BEAN SIMULATOR (files now lost to time)
Engine used: Unity (version 2021.3)
Under development?: Yes
Download available?: Yes (although only an older version)
Note: The post was originally posted (lol) on January 7 2024. An update is available below, posted on June 6 2024.
Today, we'll be talking about a game we've never really talked about before. Sorry that we haven't mentioned it! It was because the development for it was halted for like, a year before we decided to come back to it. So here we are!
Today's game: Blimps! (a.k.a. BEAN SIMULATOR 2)
GOOD MORNING VIETNAM!!! I know some of you might not be in Vietnam, but it's funny okay? Yep, this belongs in my blog.
But we're not here to talk about some random joke one of my friends came up with and told his class. We're here to talk about our newest invention (if you can even call it that due to the fact that it's not even done), Blimps!
Also known as BEAN SIMULATOR 2, Blimps is going to be an open-world but story-based game. It is currently being made in unityyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy or as I shall now call it, Brackeys' Hope.
In Blimps, you fly on... a blimp! Who could have thought? You explore realms of flying, discover and... do STUFF! WOW STUFF! SO COOL! lol - anyway.
Also right now Dasanimations is roasting me and I can't work on a blog post, work on a meme, respond to Google Chat messages and moderate them too all at the same time. But whatever.
The newest addition to the project is the Water Gun, the first weapon. It's almost complete, but not quite done.
However, handling water in video games is extremely difficult. Well, it's not really water that's difficult, it's more liquid in general. This is because liquids are:
Not solid.
They are liquids lol.
(more in-depth explanation of #2) Because handling and rendering liquids take up a lot of processing power, can devastatingly lower the overall performance of the game on older, less powerful machines and it just involves a lot of math in general that is WAYYY over the skill level I'm at.
What's the solution? A solid blue sphere that we have to call "water". Press the F key on your keyboard to shoot a "water droplet". These are solid (as in they have a collision box) and don't look like water whatsoever. Oh well, it's video game logic. Why is any given player in Minecraft possible to hold multiple statues of liberty? The answer is: video game logic! These "water droplets" will be deleted if either of the following conditions are met:
- The water droplet goes to Y level -501 or lower.
- The water droplet has existed for 5 seconds.
The reason why these water droplets end up being deleted if either of these 2 conditions are met is for performance and power usage reasons. Without the lines of code used to do this, computers running our game would constantly have to use up power and performance calculating the movement of possibly millions of blue spheres and rendering moving 3D objects that you can barely even see. Trust me, this is for the better good.
So that's it for now! I'll see you in the next one. Bye!
Update Notice: 2024-06-06
Here's a version of the photo on top as a JPG instead. In case you wanted to use it for Idle Game Maker, or if you can't see PNGs.